MIGF objectives and tasks
The main objective of the Moldova Internet Governance Forum is to consolidate various categories of actors (public sector, civil society, technical community and academia, private sector, international organizations) to discuss, within a multilateral, democratic and transparent process, the most important public policy issues related to the Internet, as well as security in the virtual environment. The MIGF promotes open discussions and dialogue with a view to identifying a common approach on how to promote the Internet and manage the risks and challenges that arise regarding its use and evolution.
The major directions of the Forum activity are:
- Protection of fundamental human rights and freedoms on Internet, support of democratic process and the rule of law;
- Support of implementation of the Internet governance with the participation of all stakeholders;
- Support of harmonization of international regulations and local legislation;
- Support of enhancing of Internet users’ rights and capabilities;
- Promotion of the universalization of the Internet;
- Support of Internet security and reliability, sustainability and credibility;
- Support of formation of the decentralized approaches of the Internet governance based on social responsibility;
- Support of introduction of innovation, new technologies and services in the Internet sector;
- Introduction of the principles of open access and freedom of user’s choice;
- Facilitation of the cultural and linguistic diversity in the Internet as well as support of development of local content.
The role of a neutral secretariat of the Internet Governance Forum in Moldova is entrusted to the Association "Comunitatea Internet" - a non-governmental organization that supports and promotes the development of the open, secure, trustworthy, and unified global Internet.
MIGF main goals:
- to point out to various stakeholders the opportunities for involvement in Internet governance processes relevant to their business and activities, and to encourage dialogue and, if necessary, help in capacity building for better understanding Internet-related topics;
- to empower and interest all stakeholders in Moldova to actively participate in national, and then directly or indirectly, regional and international Internet governance processes;
- to identify Internet governance topics important to Moldova.
Until the event:
The relevance and methodology of the MIGF
Internet governance is defined as "the development and application by governments, the private sector, and civil society, in their respective roles, of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programs that shape the evolution and use of the Internet" (Agenda for the information society, Tunis, 2005). The Global Internet Governance Forum was formed in 2006 under the auspices of the United Nations and is the result of the World Summit on the Information Society, held between 2003 and 2005. The MIGF event aims to create a national platform for dialogue and interaction with key stakeholders (both offline and online).
Offline participation implies:
- Annual meetings of IGF / stakeholder groups;
- Engagement in processes related to elaboration, implementation, monitoring or evaluation of Internet Governance policies, as a part of workshops, roundtable meetings, capacity building sessions, public consultations, others initiated by public institutions, international development partners or CSOs.
Online participation implies:
- Regular development and dissemination of information materials on updates related to Internet governance issues;
- Communication through a mailing list;
- Connecting MIGF participants to global and regional level or events dedicated to Internet Governance issues (United Nations IGF, regional and sub-regional forums, ICANN, Internet Society, Freedom Online Coalition, RightsCon, others).
MIGF core principles:
- Openness and transparency (allowing all interested parties to participate in the IGF, public insight into all parts of the IGF's work);
- Inclusivity (enable active involvement of all stakeholders, including the creation of a dedicated website or webpage, creation of a mailing list and/or an open platform, creation of dedicated social media pages, etc.);
- Bottom-up approach (the decision-making process of the MIGF initiative should be bottom-up, where substantive organization of the annual meeting should reflect the needs of the respective community the MIGF are acting within);
- Non-commercial (IGF is not intended for sale of goods and services);
- Multi-stakeholder (the approach refers to collaboration between all stakeholders - public sector, civil society, technical community and academia, private sector - around the development and implementation of an array of Internet-related principles, norms, rules, decision making procedures, and policies and programs).
Working languages: Romanian, Russian, English.
Moldova Internet Governance Forum 2025 will include plenary sessions, panel discussions and side events covering key issues under the themes of the Forum, becoming a multi-stakeholder platform for sharing ideas, experiences and strategies, reviewing best practices and contributing to a common digital development agenda.
A preliminary version of the program themes was developed on the basis of suggestions received through an open call for inputs, as well as through a subsequent series of discussions with representatives of the community from different stakeholder groups, taking into account regional and global trends in Internet Governance.
The discussion of topical issues of the digital agenda of the Republic of Moldova and Internet development will be focused on key tracks relevant for the annual multi-stakeholder dialog in all IGF formats.
The MIGF 2025 Organizing Committee includes representatives of various stakeholder groups: civil society, technical and academic community, business, government institutions and international organizations.
We invite you to contribute to the MIGF agenda-setting process. We are waiting for your comments, which can be sent via suggestions form on the event website or through social media channels. The final version of the program is currently being discussed with the speakers and other involved actors and will be posted on the event website after it is finalized.
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MIGF 2025
Student Hub ASEM
Mitropolit Gavriil Banulescu-Bodoni St 59 (ASEM Bloc B), Chisinau, Moldova